“And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, ‘Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.  … Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.’” And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.  (Mark 10:13-16 KJV)


Larry is a beautiful child, both inside and out. It is amazing to see a two-year-old with such strength and gentleness and mental acuity. He truly loves people and does not like to see meanness of any kind. And when he smiles it is with his eyes and his mouth. As a matter of fact when he smiles, his whole face smiles.

I have heard many happy stories about this precious young one. Some that brought laughter and some that just plain warmed my heart. He soaks up information and understands things so well that he often surprises those around him.

Let me share this little story with you and you will see what I mean:

I was sitting in one of my favorite chairs in my quiet place when there came a knock on my bedroom door. My husband brought Larry in to say hello to me. He was here for an overnight visit while his parents were out of town. This happened from time to time because his nanny is a member of our household. He walked in hugging a big soft stuffed yellow duck, looked around and saw me sitting in my chair. A smile covered his face when he saw me. I thought I heard Jean say from outside the bedroom door, “Go tell your auntie Patti hello”. He knew I was not his auntie, but he also knew it was a term of respect and responded accordingly.

Once he saw where I was, he rushed over to say hello, smiling that beautiful smile of his, and  gave me his duck. I think he thought since I was sitting in a quiet that maybe I did not feel so good, so he would cheer me up with his pretty stuffed duck. I thanked him for it profusely, and then explained that I was returning it so he and the duck would not miss each other. At first he seemed not to know if he should take it back, but after some assurance that I would be okay without it, he happily took it back, hugged it again, said good-bye and left.

After leaving, Larry and Jean and my two granddaughters went downstairs into the great room. My husband took a children’s Christmas movie downstairs for Larry to watch. There came a moment in the movie of tender love for the baby Jesus and all of a sudden Larry, this precious two-year old child, looked around the room and called each person by name that was there and told each one he loved them. It seemed that the Holy Spirit had filled him up with so much love at that moment that he couldn’t keep it all inside, he had to let it flow out to the rest of those in the room with him.

When it came time for him and Jean to leave, he came over and gave me a gift made of popsicle sticks stuck together with green and red spots on them and a blue pipe cleaner curled up on top. He said it was a reindeer, a gift from him that he had made for our family for Christmas. Of course I put it in a very special place where everyone could see it and thanked him. Then, he went and found his ” uncle Terry” and gave him a good-bye hug.

Jean told us that she and Larry had been making Christmas gifts for his family and that our gift was one of them. She said that while they were busy making the gifts, he stopped, looked at her and said that they had to make one for Jean’s family too. So there it was, happy and filled with the loving thoughts of a wonderful two-year-old.

As he and Jean were riding down the road on their way home to his house, Larry said with great concern, “I don’t have my Baby Jesus movie that uncle Terry gave me.” Jean tried to explain to him that uncle Terry had just brought it down for him to see, but Larry was sure that it was given to him and now he did not have it. Well, one thing for sure, now we know what we will be giving little Larry for Christmas (who, by the way is not so little, I don’t mean he is fat, but he is quite tall and very strong for his age; robust is a good word for it).

It blesses my heart to see Larry, to see what wonderful children God is sending into the world at this “end of the age”. I know they will make a difference for good in our country, as well as, in our world. God bless you Larry and all you other wonderful children like Larry. I love you all.

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