July 31, 2016

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

Revelation 3:13

Hello world. God bless you all. And indeed He does bless us all “… for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust”. (Mathew 5:45) Therefore, all are blessed.

It is with great humility and everlasting love that I praise God for the precious privilege of being here on this earth at this time to share God’s wondrous eternal love for His children, who are His sheep, not all are. Not all agree with our Lord’s words, even though they are taken from the scriptures, the Holy Bible. Not all even accept that the Christian Bible is God’s Holy Word.

“But ye believe not, because ye are not of My sheep. As I said unto you, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:26-27

The Everlasting Power of Love: Q & A

The Everlasting Power of Love | Lesson Summary | Q & A  He is offering to God the only acceptable sacrifice. You will have fulfilled all the laws – of purification and sanctification  and Spiritual perfection. Opened and its hardened...

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Truth Left Behind

This book is a must-read book! It delves into great detail about the so called Rapture where Jesus come in the middle of the night, gathers the elect and returns to heaven without anyone knowing anything about it. Although it is a popular idea, the Bible says...

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Born Again

When man begins to develop by spiritual expansion, which power is contained in an awakening attitude of understanding, he will be able to reach the measure of progress where he can break the seal…

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seems not intuition

I Thess. 5:18 Seems not intuition Give thanks in everything No matter good or bad For all's beneath the King And if in truth we trust That all is in His plan Then give thanks we must For we are in His hand

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The Everlasting Power of Love: Q & A

The Everlasting Power of Love | Lesson Summary | Q & A  He is offering to God the only acceptable sacrifice. You will have fulfilled all the laws – of purification and sanctification  and Spiritual perfection. Opened and its hardened...

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Born Again

When man begins to develop by spiritual expansion, which power is contained in an awakening attitude of understanding, he will be able to reach the measure of progress where he can break the seal…

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Truth Left Behind

This book is a must-read book! It delves into great detail about the so called Rapture where Jesus come in the middle of the night, gathers the elect and returns to heaven without anyone knowing anything about it. Although it is a popular idea, the Bible says...

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seems not intuition

I Thess. 5:18 Seems not intuition Give thanks in everything No matter good or bad For all's beneath the King And if in truth we trust That all is in His plan Then give thanks we must For we are in His hand

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