During this winter season, you might want something to give you an advantage with those illnesses that can make winter less than enjoyable, especially with the pollution and toxins in the air we breathe and the food we eat.  The following may be of some benefit to you during this winter season, or any time of the year.


Rich in essential minerals and vitamins Yerbamate contains Vitamin A, most of the B complex, C and E and is especially rich in Pantothenic Acid (B5).  Yerbamate, high in Chlorophyll, also contains Iron, Calcium, Choline, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Phosphoric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid.  Many years of research and use has demonstrated that a beverage (tea) brewed from High Quality Yerbamate has been shown to:

  • Relieve fatigue and energize the body
  • Protect against most physical and mental stress
  • Relieve symptoms of many allergies
  • Fortify the body’s auto-immune system and speed recovery from ill health
  • Improve mental performance
  • Relieve headaches
  • Suppress the appetite
  • Cleanse the colon and eliminates excess liquids from the body
  • Help in the digestion of foods
  • Stimulate all body functions and reduce cellular oxidation
  • Help prevent wrinkles and other signs of premature aging
  • Eliminates foul odor of body gas and wastes.

Yerbamate Royale

Has the same nutrients and benefits as Yerbamate, but is a delightful touch to nature’s healthful drink.  Nature provided the herb to sweeten its own masterpiece (honey leaf).  This is a delicious and invigorating beverage.  Yerbamate Royale is literally a Dieters Delight.  One or two tea bags per cup of water is remarkably delicious.  However, there are many differing qualities of Yerbamate.  The higher the quality the better the results.  Most users prefer Yerbamate Royale due to its delightful and naturally sweet flavor.

 Pure Red Lapacho

Prize of the South American medicine men is also called Pau d’Archo or Taheebo.  To the ancient Guaranti it was Tajy, meaning strength and vigor! In one of the fascinating articles published by Washington D.C. newspaper “Spotlight” (June 8, 1981) on Red Lapacho, the following was stated: “It has been curing in short order mostly one month or less), a long list of diseases, including anemia, arteriosclerosis, asthma, bronchitis, cancer of all types, colitis, cystitis, and the list goes on.

An article in the February 1985 issue of the health magazine Lets Live stated:  “Over the past 20 years reports from doctors and patients have indicated that this bark, when ingested (usually in tea form) has cured terminal leukemia, arthritis, yeast and fungus infections, arrested pain, stopped athlete’s foot and cured the common cold.”

The July f1985 issue of the Vegetarian Times stated that Red Lapacho “is currently being hailed for its effect on cancer and Candida… Traditional herbalists agree it straightens and balances the immune system.”

However, it must be noted that there are 18 varieties of Lapacho trees in South America.  Only the inner lining of the bark of the Red or Purple Lapacho is considered to be effective.  Since there is a great variation in the quality (and often the variety of Lapacho tree) of product being sold as Pau d’Arco , Taheebo or Lapacho, it is necessary to take great care in selecting the product to assure that one is truly obtaining pure Red or Purple Lapacho.


NOTE:  The material contained in this article has been obtained from various authoritative sources.  This data is not meant to be considered as justification for the prescription of these herbs for medical uses. This is meant to be a descriptive report provided for informational purposes to those persons interested in the herbs which the ancient and modern people of South America claim to have medicinal value.




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