The Power of OneIn this segment of The Power Of One, we will discuss and explore the next five seeds of the Power Of One.

These seeds deal with the separation from God, caused by disobedience to Him, which is sin; and the solution or “cure” for sin which is the way to great joy and happiness.


From this seed we learned that all sickness, whether of the mind, body or spirit, is only a symptom of the one sickness of sin. And that sin causes us to make decisions that will ultimately destroy us completely if we are not cured of it. It causes us to create situations that bring us suffering of every kind.


Christ is that part of God that He has given us with which to live our lives. Within Christ there is all that is good. All that the Father has He has given us in Christ. Within Christ is perfection. This includes perfect health, perfect faith, perfect beauty, perfect peace and perfect joy. And as far as intelligence is concern, the Christ is intelligence. This Christ is also all power and all love.

When we take upon us or become the name or vibration of Christ, which name is Love, Praise and Thanksgiving, all sickness is cured because sin, the cause of sickness, is eradicated. The light of Christ totally obliterates darkness, which is sin.   Thus, when you fill or clothe yourself with the light of Christ all illnesses are totally eradicated and, as has been prophesized in ancient scripture, we will acquire a body free from sorrow, affliction or pain. In other words not only will we have perfect health, we will be invulnerable to injury of any kind and free from death. We will return to an unfallen state of being—translation, as did Enoch of old.

“By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” (Hebrews 11:5 KJV)


Remember, we are told “sin (disobedience to God) causes and is separation from God”.

“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV)

God is our source of life, love, peace, intelligence, health, beauty, perfection and joy. God is our source for everything good. Separation from all good is certainly a sorrowful thing. And, that sorrow can lead to either of two things: bitterness or heartbreak. Bitterness shrivels and destroys the soul. Heartbreak opens the way for God to pour His love and light into the individual in order to heal and help the soul to reunite with God. This brings us to the next seed.


As we have discussed, Satan’s approach to our destruction is to divide and conquer. Divide us from our souls; divide us from intelligence and clear thinking; divide us from truth; divide us from each other; in short: divide us from God, which is the whole ball of wax. We have been fragmented! In every way, we have been divided into as many pieces that Satan could break us into. And, we have just discussed that ultimately, what all that division brings us to is, being divided or separated from God, which is a sorrowful state which is just the opposite of joy.

Therefore, we must be restored to wholeness to receive joy. None of us have ever experienced real joy. To experience real joy we must be reunited with Christ, which reunites us with God, our Father. This returns us to that perfect place of joy. The scriptures say that “joy is of the saints and who can put it on but them.” Why? Because “true” saints are those who are obedient to God. Which means they have no sin, since there is only one sin, disobedience to God. When a person has no sin they are reunited with the Christ and God, and God is the source of our joy. Therefore, our only way to real joy is to be reunited with God which will make us whole or “holy”. Thus, there is only one joy and that is being made whole.Now, I am going to pause here to ask you to follow God’s words closely as He gives us understanding about this Power of One. Each one of these seeds is linked with the others. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you clear understanding of what God is saying here. Let’s continue:


“The Kingdom of God is within you.”

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21 KJV)

Jesus made that statement over and over again. He explained that the fact that He was here on this earth denoted that the Kingdom of God was manifested here on this earth at that time.   There was a time I did not understand that statement. It did not dawn on me, at first, that because Jesus had overcome the world (all sin) the Kingdom of God was established within Him.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 KJV)

Therefore, anywhere He was, the kingdom of heaven was there also because He brought it with Him. It was within Him.

So, to be in His presence was to also to be in the presence of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you are ill with the flu that means you are carrying that flu condition within you and anywhere you go, you take that flu with you. Therefore, anyone in your presence is also in the presence of the flu you have within you. Not only that, those in your presence are affected by the flu within you. So it was with Jesus. He carried the Kingdom of God within Him and everywhere He went He took that kingdom with Him, and those who were in His presence were affected by that kingdom, just as others are affected by the flu you may be carrying.

This is the only one way the Kingdom of God manifests here on this earth, at this time. The only one place it exists here is within the individual who has overcome all sin and moved into the higher existence of the Kingdom of God or Heaven. That kingdom goes everywhere that individual goes and affects all it comes in contact with. When one has no sin and is reunited with God, he has perfect love, perfect health, endless wealth, infinite intelligence, and joy unlimited. This is a heavenly condition. It is heaven. It is the only Kingdom of God or heaven there is here in this place, at this time. Who knows what is in other dimensions? Right now that is not the issue. Right now we need to understand that on earth, at this time, there is only one Kingdom of God, and that is within you. (See Luke 17:21)


In this segment we have discussed the next five seeds of the Power Of One. These seeds address the one basic problem with mankind; sin. They also address what the cure for sin is, the sorrow that sin brings us and the joy that God’s love brings into our lives and world.

In our next segment, Part 3, we will discuss and explore the final seed of The Power Of One that shows us the one thing that we can do to become perfect and to return back to God!

God Bless you.


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