The Power of OneHave you ever really thought about the Power of God? I mean really thought about it. There are the stars, the planets, and of course this wonderful planet on which we live. Everything here was created by God. Everything, including you and me! It is amazing. And everything has some kind of intelligence, at some level, all of which was given by God.

There are about 8 billion people on this earth at this time. God is in contact with every one of them. He knows what they are thinking, what they are doing, and more, all at the same time. Wow! He has the greatest WI-FI network in the universe!

We are God’s greatest creation! We were made in His image. We came here to learn, to grow, and to return back to Him. God tells us that the way back to Him is so simple even a fool cannot make a mistake in following it.

“And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. “ (Isaiah 35:8 KJV)

How This All Started

I was lying in bed one morning thinking about God and how I could have more time to spend with Him during my devotion times. I began to have thoughts that were almost like hearing the Lord speak to me. I became aware of the thought that we need to simplify our lives. Not just in a physical sense, but mentally and spiritually as well. We need to simplify our food, our activities, our thoughts, and our desires, everything, which will remove a great deal of stress from our worlds. This will help us to become whole, able to live and move in our oneness with God, which when truly accomplished will bring much peace and joy to our lives.

There is an old adage: “Divide and conquer.” In this world things have been so divided or fragmented (truth, families, friendships, minds, anything and everything) that there is confusion and difficulty in clearly seeing the truth of things. Then, there are deceptions, misconceptions and preconceived ideas added to the mix, which cause truth to become almost completely lost. Therefore, we find ourselves occupied with the fragments of life, unable to clearly see the full picture. This can lead us to become frustrated and defeated by our own erroneous decisions and activities (or lack of activity), because they are based on incorrect information. This can lead to our utter destruction as we misjudge and misunderstand the truth. It all started in the Garden of Eden when the serpent enticed and deceived Eve.

As I continued to meditate on these things, I heard God say I need to focus on the simple, whole truth instead of fragmented truth: simple facts, which help lay the foundation for the fullness of the truth. He called this, “The Power of One.” He said there is a power in knowing these facts that can change our perspective and bring greater success to our lives. It was surprising how much simpler and clearer my approach to life became after I studied and applied what He said about this power to my daily living.

He went on to say that there is only one Kingdom of God and that is within you. There is only one way to get there and that is through love. And, there is only one God, and He is your Father.

He said that we must know this and know that we know it, because that is where our victory or overcoming (of sin) begins. We must know the Power of One, not just hear about it, talk about it, or accept it. We must experience it, live it, be it, and then we know it.

 So, let’s break this truth down into its parts and dig into its reality. Truth is like a seed, when you plant the seed, you get a plant with many branches, each bearing its own aspect of truth. It is much the same as a tree which comes from one seed, but produces many branches, which in turn produce many apples or oranges or whatever fruit it bears.

The trunk of the tree is the foundational truth from the seed you planted, each branch is a truth that can be built on or branched from that foundation. Then there are the leaves which are the details and factors that branch of the truth is made up of, and finally you have the fruit or results of the knowledge of that truth so that you can use it.

Fruit is of no value to you personally unless you can eat it or use it in some manner to receive whatever it has to give either to your body or life experience. Likewise with truth. It is of no personal value to you unless you can make it a part of you to be used in your life experience. And, each tree of truth is produced by planting one seed. Therefore, truth comes to us through the “Power of One”. One seed at a time, until we have a whole orchard of truth.

God called theses truths “seeds”. Again, He called them seeds because He said they would take root in my consciousness and bear much fruit. He said that from each of these seeds a tree grows with branches of truth that are built upon or branched from the foundation truth of the seed planted. God gave me nine seeds.


In this segment, we have discussed and introduced to you the foundation of “The Power Of One” truth! There is a great need for us to simplify our lives and our worlds and to truly know the whole truth instead of fragmented mixed up parts of it.

❖ In our next segment, Part 1, we will discuss and explore the first three seeds of the Power Of One. The first seed is: there is only one god and He is your Father.

God Bless you.



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