In My Father's House by Corrie Ten Boom

From the Cover:

Corrie ten Boom was fifty years old when she began harboring Jews during World War II, which led to her imprisonment in a concentration camp. Upon her release she traveled the world, proclaiming the gospel. In My Father’s House shares the earlier part of Corrie’s life that led up to The Hiding Place, offering an intimate look at her family in Haarlem, Holland.

The ten Boom house and watch shop was a stucco and brick building called the Beje. It was here that Corrie lived and worked with the unforgettable people who shaped her colorful life: her wise father, her gentle and loving mother, her brothers and sisters, and an entourage of “adopted” ten Booms.


In My Father’s House is both a warm book and a compelling look at the life and world of Corrie ten Boom and her family before and after the war. There are sweet, heartwarming stories in here, and there are stories that could make you cry. Corrie ten Boom learned many lessons through the years, some of them quite difficult and painful, and here she shares them in an easily accessible way that makes you feel like you know her and her family and their household.

Ten Boom’s is a powerful story of forgiveness, and the lessons that later enabled her to forgive the Nazis despite all they did to her family and how many loved ones she lost to them, were seeded during her childhood. The wisdom her mother and father shared and the unconditional love they taught her fill the pages of this little book. Highly recommended as a gentle, inspirational read that nevertheless held up under intense hardship and trials.


— Megan Payne

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