The Presence is not a new book from Bunn, but it is one of his best known and most powerful. The story is not about salvation and the new Christian so much as about what the mature walk of faith of a true Christian is supposed to look like, even in the face of much opposition, even in the public sphere. It’s a book that dares to shake us out of our comfort zones and ask are we truly living out our faith in every decision of our life?

Bunn brings Washington to life with the painstaking research he is known for, and the political threads are woven expertly to draw us into a story of what it looks like to have members of Congress that don’t just pray but act on the answers to those prayers, what it looks like when we bring God right back into the heart of our nation.

— Megan Payne

From the Cover: 

T.J. Case, a lawyer and politician from the south, has taken a stand of integrity that has cost him his re-election campaign for the North Carolina House of Representatives. As he and his wife take time away to consider their future, an early morning of quiet reflection is transformed into a remarkable commissioning that propels them into the middle of big-time politics in Washington, D.C. And accompanying this mission is an extraordinary sense of peace and divine direction to help reshape twisted lives and challenge corrupted systems.

But the bipartisan cause that T.J. Case represents is not welcomed in certain sectors of the administration. And a shadowy underworld of organized evil stands squarely in the way to block its progress.

Can one man truly make a difference?



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