Who Is The Holy SpiritWho Is the Holy Spirit? is a small book, weighing in at less than 50 pages, but it packs in six full, engaging chapters introducing us to the third Person of the Trinity. In the preface, this book propositions to tell us not “what” the Holy Spirit is, but rather who. The book only somewhat lives up to these expectations; nevertheless, it remains a strong, refreshing resource.

For the layperson, the language and concepts are explained somewhat more complicated than necessary, but it is written in plain English and discards most academic speak, instead striking a balance that wobbles only rarely as a resource for a study-minded seeker. Better still, Sproul does not only explain his ideas, but he also sources them well, explaining how he draws his conclusions while including supporting scriptures and definitions. Because of this, it is easy for the readers to decide for themselves whether they agree with Sproul’s interpretation.

On reading through it, I found much that was not new, to be expected in a book covering the foundations of a much-explored topic, but there were also timely reminders and refreshing new perspectives. The section on the Trinity laid out a clearer understanding than many I’ve read, going into the difference between existence in our mortal state and the being of God and the nature of God within us. It was especially good to be reminded that the Holy Spirit is here to help us in our walk toward holiness and perfection and that the will of God for us is sanctification. (ch. 4)

In conclusion, this is an excellent resource and a quick read that merits spending some time with in study and prayer.

— Megan Payne

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