Jul 2015 | From the Founder's Desk
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall...
Jun 2015 | From the Founder's Desk
In today’s world, things are hectic and stressful. We have an American President who seems determined to destroy the country and is unwilling to go after the ISIS terrorists who have beheaded an American citizen and have threatened to attack the USA. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Then here at home we have so many things to do; besides our jobs, paying bills
May 2013 | From the Founder's Desk
When a book is or movie is produced, generally there is usually a main theme or topic. Because this article has to do with God, naturally I went to the Bible, which is God’s book. And, like other books, this book has to have a main theme. What do you think is one of the main messages is the Bible?
Dec 2012 | From the Founder's Desk
Prayer A Mighty Force
The subject of prayer was the topic of discussion at one of our Friday night Forum meetings. Although we did not record all the individual discussions and details, we are presenting the basic outline of that discussion. We are hoping that it will be of benefit to you. I know we all received a blessing from those discussions. May God bless you also and continue to bless you always.
May 2012 | From the Founder's Desk
When this story came to my attention, my heart was so moved and filled with so much compassion and love that I wanted to share it with as many people as possible.
In reading this story, it reminds me of the love that God has for us, in spite of all of our sins and imperfections. He created us to be people of love and compassion, not people of negativity and evil. God gave us the agency of free will—the prerogative to make our own choices in this life that He gave us. Life is full of choices, some easy and some difficult. However, the choices are ours. Each choice we make takes us down a path of light or darkness, depending on what choice we make.
Jul 2008 | From the Founder's Desk
How important is prayer? Is it something that you should do everyday, only in emergencies, when you want something from God, or not at all? First of all we should have a definition of prayer, so that we know what we are talking about. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, prayer is a reverent petition made to God or some other deity; the act of communion with God such as a confession, praise, or thanksgiving.
Mar 2008 | From the Founder's Desk
As I was contemplating the upcoming “Easter” holiday that is celebrated this year on Sunday March 23rd, I remembered my Easters when I was much younger than I am now. It was a joyous occasion. Everybody would dress up in their best clothes and go to Church on Easter Sunday. Then afterwards there were always the specials lunches and dinners and of course, Easter egg hunts.
Nov 2006 | From the Founder's Desk
The United States of America is my country, and I love it with a passion. Our forefathers established this country as a free nation, and many times I have thanked them in my heart for the great sacrifices they made to allow me the opportunity to be born in a free America.